On 20th of July, BBC News announced that “Businesses in southern India have given their employees the day off on Friday so they can attend screenings of a new film starring Tamil cinema superstar Rajinikanth“.
According to BBC News, this decision was made because companies where trying “to avoid people calling in sick, turning off their phones or simply failing to turn up for work“.
“Crazy indians” some might say! But, such behaviour already happened in the US or even, at a lesser scale, in Europe when the latest opus of the Star Wars sequel arrived in theaters. Some people where even sleeping in front of some theater to be sure to have their seats. In some places, the 4th of May, the Star Wars Day (“May The 4th be with you”), is also considered has a holiday. Of course, these are anecdotal but, they are growing in importance and frequences.
Although not frequent, likelihood of blockbusters seems to be higher than earthquake or tornados in some countries and a bit lower than flu epidemics. So, the probability of occurence is non neglectable. But, what could be the impact on your business?
Let’s see what the future will be 🙂